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Please note: Site is constantly under discontinuous construction!
Welcome to the complex, high-tech, global knowledge, multicultural, multi-disciplinary, multi-educational, multi-generational, multi-ideological, and anticipated TURBULENT future business environment that impacts performance positively (oportunitiy) &/or negatively (threat); coupled with potential crisis &/or chaos.
Tamer Tamer Salameh
We will show you; how to apply knowledge and practice of Strategic Behavior for profit and/or growth in turbulent times?
Building a strategic posture to rebuild the future.
We help you plan and implement your Strategic Behavior to answer five questions:
1. Where are we now?
2. Where do we need to be?
3. How do we get there?
4. How do we lead and manage change?
5. Why not?
Our practice is from the general to the specific and vice versa at scale.
Helping you audit, diagnose, train, plan, and implement for your future strategic decision making.
The end product of strategic decisions is deceptively simple; a combination of products and markets is selected for the firm. This combination is arrived at by addition of new product-markets, divestment from some old ones, and expansion of the present position.
H. Igor Ansoff (Father of Strategic Management)
Management is, above all, a practice where art, science, and craft meet.
Henry Mintzberg
In General; Strategic Management (soundless 40 second video)
Specifically; Strategic Leadership (soundless 38 second video)
Specifically; Strategic Information (soundless 39 second video)
- A good manager is now by definition a leader. Equally, a good leader will also be a manager.
- John Adair
We apply our philosophy; by building on existing knowledge and/or new knowledge to create success through planning/implementing periodic and/or real-time interactions with turbulence.
If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.
Sir Isaac Newton
We build on existing knowledge and/or new knowledge to create success.
A wise person does not spread a lot of wisdom.
Unknown Author
Rather, spreading questions is encouraged; specifically, fundamental questions.
A fundamental question is the foundation for action.
We partner with you to answer the fundamental questions.
We encourage your interaction with us.
Phone: 1 (858) 733-8888
Email: [email protected]
Site MapPrivacy PolicyProjects:
AdvisingAlmost 24/7/365
Periodic and Real-time |
CoachingIndividual and Group
Onsite and/or Remotely |
Project FundingFast if Qualified
$5,000,000+ |
Headquarters |
South Korea
United Arab Emirates